The Future of Tech Investment in Sub-Saharan Africa: Opportunities and Challenges

Investing in technology in Sub-Saharan Africa is an increasingly popular trend, driven by the region's abundant untapped potential. With the right investments, technology could unlock significant economic growth and development across the region. However, these opportunities are accompanied by considerable challenges. In this blog post, we will explore both the opportunities and challenges of tech investment in Sub-Saharan Africa.



1. Growing Population: Sub-Saharan Africa boasts a young, rapidly growing population that is eager to embrace new technologies.

2. Rising Middle Class: The expanding middle class in Sub-Saharan Africa creates new markets for technology products and services.

3. High Demand for Mobile Devices and Technology Solutions: There is significant demand for mobile devices and technology solutions, offering lucrative investment opportunities.

4. Government Initiatives: Many African governments are investing in digital transformation and creating favorable conditions for tech investment.

5. Underserved Markets: Numerous African countries are underserved in terms of technology, presenting opportunities for the development and deployment of innovative solutions.

6. Improving Infrastructure: Enhanced infrastructure, including telecommunications and electricity, is opening new avenues for tech investment.

7. Increasing Mobile Usage: Mobile technology is one of the most promising areas for tech investment in Africa. With projections suggesting 1.6 billion mobile phone users by 2025, opportunities abound in mobile money transfer services, mobile banking, mobile payments, healthcare, and education.




1. Unreliable Electricity and Internet Infrastructure: Many parts of Sub-Saharan Africa suffer from unreliable and low-quality electricity and internet access, hindering the development and deployment of technology solutions.

2. Limited Access to Capital: Tech startups and SMEs in Sub-Saharan Africa often struggle to secure capital, which can impede the growth and development of the tech sector.

3. Weak Intellectual Property Protection: The lack of robust intellectual property protection in many African countries can make it difficult for tech companies to safeguard their innovations and ideas.

4. Low Technological Literacy and Adoption: Low levels of technological literacy and adoption in many African countries can create barriers to the introduction and widespread use of new technologies.

5. Corruption and Weak Governance: Corruption and weak governance can present significant challenges for tech companies, including difficulties in obtaining permits, navigating bureaucracy, and dealing with government agencies.

6. Limited Access to Skilled Talent: A shortage of skilled technology professionals in many African countries can make it challenging for tech companies to find the resources they need to grow and succeed.


 Strategies for Success

A tech investor like Akinkunmi Akindiji understands that investing in this region requires a long-term outlook and effective risk management. Tech investments in Sub-Saharan Africa often necessitate substantial resources and a robust network of industry contacts. Innovative solutions are crucial to ensure that these investments achieve the desired outcomes. Additionally, tech investors must possess a diverse range of interests and expertise to handle legal and cultural issues that may arise. By taking the time to understand the unique context of tech investment in Sub-Saharan Africa, investors can increase their chances of success.

Kunmi Akindiji brings years of experience working on projects across various industries, including insurance, banking, telecommunications, and automotive.



Despite the challenges, there is significant potential for tech investment in Sub-Saharan Africa, particularly in sectors such as e-commerce, mobile finance, and mobile health. To fully realize this potential, it is essential to address the challenges through investment in infrastructure, education, and good governance. By doing so, tech investors can help unlock the economic growth and development that the region so richly deserves.


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